Overcome the first years of the 21st century, society is fully immersed in the so-called society of the information. The vast majority of protagonists every day of this new reality in many areas of his daily life: computers are part of our everyday landscape, telephones, mobile phones accompany us from an early age and the Internet has been inserted completely in our daily chores through the crowd of services that it offers us.

Thesis statement about technology

The integration of these information technologies and communication in homes seems unstoppable, serving us this data as an indicator of the capacity for acceptance and assimilation technology of society. However, there is no need to lose. This circumstance leads us to think that the extension and practices that are deployed around this thesis statement about technology in the household can be influenced, among other factors, by the nature and characteristics of the family institution. In parallel, the use that makes them, with all their peculiarities, can affect the own family life and the relationships established between their members.


Surveys and reports have proliferated in recent years that allude to the degree of penetration and use of these new technologies in the domestic sphere; however, they are much more limited – almost non-existent – studies that take into account their character dual mediated and mediating element in family life. It is because of that it seemed to us convenient to carry out this research aimed at study of the interactions between family and technology. In our thesis statement about technology, we will consider the different structural and cultural aspects that influence the use of these technologies within this institution.

We will analyze the mutual influences in the relationship that parents and children maintain with these technologies and we will see the different strategies families deploy to integrate them into their routines, in a process that is not always exempt from tensions and conflicts.

Finally, and according to our starting assumption, we understand that by showing the behaviors and activities deployed by the family in relation to information technologies and communication we reflect the relationships and internal dynamics of the family. In this way, we trust that this study will contribute to a better understanding of the state and dynamics of family relationships and in particular of paternal-filial relationships, an aspect of the family to the that there has not been much empirical attention in our country and which is a cause of deep concern in our society.

Technology thesis statement

The term information society is commonly used, along with other terms such as information society, cyber society, village global, knowledge society, interconnected society or society digital, to allude to a new stage of evolution of society in the generation, storage, distribution and processing of information acquire a fundamental relevance.

For Manuel Castells, what characterizes the new technology thesis statement -a term that prefers the most widespread of information society – is that generation, processing and transmission of information become the fundamental sources of productivity and power, and this is linked to the development of certain technologies: the new information technologies and the communication1.

In short, technology thesis statement, the new social and cultural order configured as the result of a technological revolution of the information, which has its genesis in the progress and convergence of information technology and telecommunications, and that it affects all areas of social life.

The family home is one of those areas that have been seen colonized by these information and communication technologies and, therefore, where they can potentially be reaching a great impact, modifying habits and customs of the members that they make up the family unit. In this sense, during the last years

Numerous experts have shown their concern in line with technology thesis statement for the future of the family in a highly technological domestic environment. Also the man of the street feels uneasy about the possible consequences that the introduction of these technologies may have had, or are having, about their children and their family relationships. In the midst of the family crisis traditional nuclear, crisis of parental authority, redefinition of roles relatives, etc., parents have lived with uncertainty and insecurity, but also with great expectations, the entry of new elements whose management is presumed fundamental to achieve a full integration in the new society.

Indeed, the process of massive insertion of technologies of the information and communication in homes is taking place in context of profound change and redefinition of the family institution.


This family change results from the adaptation of this institution to accelerated transformation of the broader social reality in which enroll That metamorphosis of the family, which encompasses both elements of quantitative nature – structure and composition of households – as qualitative – internal family relationships – is essential in the form in which families live the process of incorporating these technology thesis statement in the domestic and family environment.

With regard to family morphology, we can highlight the decrease in family size resulting from the important decline that has experienced the number of children and the coexistence of the family nuclear with other types of family and forms of coexistence more reduced.

Single-parent families, recomposed families, or households unipersonal and cohabiting couples are structures of coexistence that have experienced significant growth in our country, being now widely accepted socially. In this section,

We have excellent studios that are interested in transformations experienced by the family structure, in which, generally, a crisis of the traditional nuclear family is exposed crumbles and fragments into a multitude of types and models of coexistence. However, the couple with children continues to be the way to life mostly chosen by the Spaniards, and what is still appreciated as the ideal model of coexistence.

Simultaneously, and although less studied, we also attend profound redefinition of conjugal roles, loss of authority of the father, decline of generational conflict. In short, democratization of couple and parent-child relationships that, without

However, it does not seem to have had an effect on a more equitable distribution of domestic work and family responsibilities whose burden continues basically supporting the mother-woman, this aspect becoming a source of family tension.

Thesis statement on technology

Behind the various variables that have been associated with this evolution of the family in welfare societies – changes basic demographics, massive incorporation of women into education and to the labor market, transformation of the social perception of marriage, etcetera-, a series of broader social phenomena are glimpsed and hardly measurable that has also found their place in the family. Individualism, as a value that implies the legitimacy of the search for self-fulfillment and personal well-being, enter the family colliding directly with its solidary nature and putting in check the institution itself. Likewise, the family is being subjected to rationalizing process that involves questioning some of its basic principles never discussed before. Both factors configure as a serious threat that causes innumerable contradictions and tensions in family life.

It is this situation of transformation of the family institution, to the that a global social change associated with the development and implementation of information and communication technologies, and that it also has its effects on the domestic sphere, which has called our attention In particular, we are concerned about the extent to which interactions that information and communication thesis statement on technology with the family condition their extension and social uses in virtue of the diffusion that these artifacts are reaching in homes family, as well as the interference of these devices on the development and evolution of family relationships.


Thesis statements about technology

In the academic and scientific field, we find background of interest in the relationships between technologies and family among already classical authors who wondered about the important and rapid changes in family life forms and family relationships resulting from new technological developments and new ones forms of communication.

With often, social research on technology has focused its attention to the social impact of this, drifting towards a determinism thesis statements about technology that presupposes that the revolutionary change in the design of technologies inevitably leads to equivalent changes in the way where we live Often, this premise has derived in studies prospective that analyze the effects of the new “mills” on any social sphere, limiting itself to extrapolating trends on the basis of the implicit potentialities that these technologies manifest.

Starting from this approach, it is not surprising that generated catastrophic or optimistic visions in excess. The emphasis excessive in the positive or negative qualities of the technologies in the literature to the case has made exaggerated visions prevail that present these information and communication technologies, as well as a threat that looms over all areas of our existence, or on the contrary, as a great opportunity to improve our world.

In this thesis statement about technology we want to escape from these limited visions that lead to extreme conclusions. For this, we rely on a basic sociological assumption that tells us that technologies are used and developed in specific social and cultural contexts; the which means that this idea, implicit in the “studies of impact “, that the technological devices are assimilated without any problematic and that produce linear effects on the system of social relationships.

From there, thesis statements about technology are presented to us as an instrument at the service of man whose effects on our lives will be delimited, not only by their potential and the degree of penetration achieved in a society, but also by the way in which society and individuals integrate these technologies into their habits and daily practices, that is, by the forms of use that are developed around them. Therefore, we assume that technologies act fundamentally as reinforces or disintegrators of attitudes and previously existing behaviors, being able to speak of an effect of acceleration or hindering social processes and trends existing;

Obviously, this position does not mean denying the possible effects that technological artifacts can have on society or the family. On the contrary, in our study we started from the assumption that relations between family and technology are more complex. So that, to know the effects that these technologies have on the family relationships, we must take into account the inherent aspects of the nature and structure of the family that, together with other factors social and cultural factors, determine the use of these devices in the home.

From the above, it is inferred that the position of the family in the social structure, as well as that occupied by its members within the family structure, mediates the relationship of the subjects with the technologies of information and communication in the home. The position that individuals occupy within the social structure endows families with certain material and cultural resources. In parallel, the position that function of sex and age are assigned within the family structure determines the distribution of certain resources among its members. These two interrelated elements act to favor or hinder the implementation of these goods and services in the family and defining the attitudes and practices that develop around them, allowing us see the family as an intermediate institution between the individual and the society.