In this global warming 2019 essay we will talk about global warming, its causes, consequences, repercussions. All in order to raise awareness to humanity as this problem has increased with the passage of time gradually hurting more and more the ozone layer that day by day deteriorates more and allows the entry of UV rays, in addition to the ecosystems are changing despite climate change. Global warming is produced due to human activity, mainly due to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, deforestation and the use of fossil fuels (oil, gasoline, coal).

Global warming definition

Global warming is the continuous increase of the global average temperature: specifically the temperature of the atmosphere and the seas. But that does not mean that all places will get hotter. The increase in global temperature causes changes in weather patterns; that is why some places can experience droughts while others flood, cold places become warmer and, in some cases, hot places become cooler. That is why the term “climate change” is also used to talk about global warming; both terms refer to the same phenomenon. According to Wikipedia:

“Global warming is a term used to refer to the phenomenon of the increase in the global average temperature, the Earth’s atmosphere and the oceans, which possibly reached the level of warming of the medieval era in the middle of the 20th century, to exceed it to then.”

Global warming effect

Global warming is caused by many factors, among them: the chemical compositional alteration of the atmosphere (at the troposphere level) as a consequence of the massive and immediate release of billions of tons of CO2 per year to the troposphere as a consequence of forest fires and the consumption of large quantities of oxygen, a chemical process in which large CO2 stores become potential emitters in a few hours, causing a significant imbalance in the balance of the cycle, the increasing trend of forest fires found in several studies carried out on different regions of the planet, the immoderate and clandestine felling of trees, the demographic explosion on the planet.

The main factors of global warming are pollution. The factories pollute the environment a lot with their chimneys that expel toxic gases, this harms the atmosphere that is deteriorating more and more, this makes the sun’s rays enter the earth warmer, which is generating a global warming, the continental ice broke every 10 years, and at this altitude as the hand of man break every 3 years, it is madness that we are on a planet that has all man destroy it, do not forget that not only pollution environmental damage to the planet, but also water pollution, many species of fish are being put at risk by polluting the oceans, soil pollution, and forest deforestation, there are increasingly more rare animal species because are extinguishing, do not forget that trees are a fundamental pillar for the planet, because thanks to them we can breathe, they are the green lung of the earth ! The hand of man is spoiling everything.

What can be the consequences?

According to discovery channel the main consequences of the Earth planet with this rapid increase in temperature as a result of global warming are:

  • more hurricane
  • the glaciers are slowly melting and many islands can disappear
  • many plant and animal species will have to displace (migrate) to colder places and others could disappear
  • there will be many heat waves of greater intensity that would kill many people
  • Arctic can melt.

Global warming solutions: what can we do to prevent global warming?

1. Enhance renewable energies. One of the ways to reduce emissions from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) that releases CO2 is the use of clean energy sources such as solar, wind, tidal (which uses the power of waves), thermal, etc.

2. Decrease the use of the automobile. There are many occasions in which we can move without using the car. Walking, cycling, or using public transportation are alternatives that help eliminate the use of fossil fuels and reduce global warming. In cases where the car is totally necessary, one solution is to share the car with colleagues, friends or family. The new electric cars, which do not use combustion engines or need gasoline, are presented as the most environmentally friendly alternative.

3. Plant trees. Promoting the reforestation worldwide of areas devastated by logging is another solution. The trees absorb CO2 and produce oxygen. Over a year, one hectare of trees eliminates the same amount of carbon dioxide that four families produce in that same time. Planting trees in cities and creating more parks in urban environments helps to reduce the greenhouse effect.

4. Recycle. A small percentage of the carbon dioxide that currently exists comes from the decomposition of the various organic products and waste that is thrown into landfills. Taking into account that 65% of everything that ends up in household garbage can be recycled, if the consumer acts responsibly and recycles the different waste (paper, glass, packaging, cardboard, etc.) it can help to avoid the emission of CO2. Likewise, using products such as recycled paper helps to reduce tree felling, which are fundamental for mitigating the greenhouse effect. When in doubt, check out our Recycling Guide.

5. Choose efficient appliances. When buying an appliance, the consumer should look at an energy label that goes from the letter A (more efficient) to the letter G (less efficient) depending on the electrical consumption. The best thing is to choose the appliances of rating A. With the same features, an A class device consumes 70% less energy than another class G. As for other electronic devices, it must be taken into account that if they are in the mode of Wait (stand-by) continues to consume energy even if you are not using them.


According to the global warming articles and scientists, human beings are primarily responsible for the problems caused by this warming, since the waste from factories and industries are the main sources of expulsion, emission of greenhouse gases. No doubt the solution must be collective. Starting with ourselves, we can help change it. If we do not do it, the consequences will be serious for all human beings. It is a problem that already affects us. We must act now, not only thinking about ourselves, but about our children and the inheritance that we offer humanity.