Demonstration speech ideas: parts of the speech


It seeks to make the audience benevolent, attentive and docile. As to demonstration speech definition, it’s function is to signal that the speech begins, attract the receiver’s attention, dispel animosities, win sympathies, fix the receiver’s interest and establish the theme, thesis or objective. It is necessary to affect modesty to capture the sympathy of the public and exploit their tendency to identify with those who are in trouble or weak.


The narration, development or exposition is the most extensive part of the discourse and counts the necessary facts to demonstrate the conclusion that is pursued. If the subject presents subdivisions, it is necessary to adopt a convenient order (partition or division). In the partition, according to the demonstration speech outline, we have to divest the subject of the elements that we do not need to mention and develop and amplify those that do suit us. This section teaches the public the strong points we are going to defend. Briefness is pursued (not to bore the audience, not to cross the threshold of attention of the public and avoid the disproportion between speech and theme), clarity (it is impossible to convince the public if they have not heard about it, although literary darkness and ambiguity can be a merit) and the verisimilitude (Aristotle already said that the plausible false is preferable to the truly implausible). There is no need to make certain facts unbelievable and the lawyer who makes credible false facts will get the jury to vote for his client. At this point ethics has nothing to do with rhetoric. In the literary world, the principle of verisimilitude is very important, whether in realistic or fantastic aesthetics. The exhibition includes a series of circumstances: who, what, when, how, where, why, with what means. It is necessary to interrupt the exhibition with brief digressions that prevent the monotony easing the tension of the audience and acting on it in a complementary way.


It is the part where the evidence confirming the position revealed in the demonstration speech thesis of the exhibition (confirmation or probation) is adduced and those of the thesis held by the opposing party (refutation or reprehension) are refuted, two parts that quintillion considers independent, so that for him the forensic speech would have five. Confirmation requires the use of logical arguments and stylistic emphases, as it was used in death penalty thesis, those of the refutation would be on the contrary metastasis, contrarian, contradictions, and refutation. It is also an appropriate place for the postulate or statement without proof, as long as it does not weaken our credibility, for which it is necessary to resort to the untruthful but plausible postulate (hypothesis), in order to weaken the adversary by disorienting it’s credibility; the best thing in that case is to suggest it and not say it. We resort to a rhetorical or dialectical logic that has little to do with scientific logic, since it’s purpose is not to find the truth but to conquer. It is based more on the credible than on the true, hence it’s connection with demagogy. For the monographic speeches focused on persuasion, ascending gradate structures agree. In the case of journalistic discourse, the tendency to abandon at the beginning of the reader recommends the use of the opposite structure: placing the most important at the beginning.


It is the part destined to tilt the will of the listener by arousing it’s affections, resorting to ethical or pragmatic motives and provoking it’s compassion (conquest or commiseration) and it’s indignation (indignation) to attract the piety of the public and achieve it’s emotional participation, through stylistic resources pathetic; includes places of fortune cases: illness, bad luck, misfortunes … Summarizes and synthesizes what was developed to facilitate the remembrance of the strong points and launch the appeal to the affections; It is a good place to launch a new, unexpected and interesting element, the argument-punch that reinforces all the others, creating a positive and favorable final impression.

How to search for demonstration speeches topics

In line with demonstration speech example, you can show your listeners how to do almost anything, from the creation of a chocolate cookie to the care of a loved bicycle. However, choosing your theme can be difficult. Instead of simply choosing the first topic that comes to your mind, move carefully through a process of selecting topics (for example Gun Control Thesis Statement), to make sure that the topic you choose is the best option and reflects your experience.

Steps to follow:

  1. Make a list of your skills. While you can learn a new skill and use this as the theme for your demonstration speech, this is not the best bet, since your speech will be stronger if it is something you already have experience with.
  2. Set the duration of your speech. If the speech was assigned by your teacher, look for the work material, keeping in mind the time you have to expose it. The time allocated to present the speech affects the choice of subject, since some topics cannot be covered as quickly as others.
  3. Get information about the place where you will develop your speech. The space in which you will present your speech will have an impact on your topic. If, for example, you are presenting your speech in a small classroom, it is likely that you cannot effectively talk about how to perform a wrestling movement, since you do not have the space to complete your demonstration.
  4. Choose a theme that is useful for your audience. Your theme should not be something that your audience already knows how to do it, but neither should it be something so complex that it cannot be understood during the course of your speech. If you talk to a group of high school students, for example, you may not want to discuss how to carry out a complex car maintenance practice, as they do not have the knowledge base to understand your complex instructions.
  5. Select several options and make a list of the basic steps necessary for each of them. Taking into account the duration, place and audience, highlight some skills in your list that seem to fit well with these parameters. So that you can see exactly what each speech would imply, create a short list of the basic steps necessary to complete each task.
  6. Choose your best option based on the steps above. You can find, in the exploration of the steps, some subjects that seem complex, while others seem too simple. As you look through your steps, make your final decision as to which is the theme that will be best for your final presentation considering all the factors.